Taylor’s Lime needed a retrofit to a decades-old dust collector

A mechanical shaker dust collector that had been in service for many decades needed an upgrade. DUSTEX’s solution to the retrofit included installing a new pulse jet dust collector top section into the existing hopper vessel.
Taylor's Lime (part of Holcim, New Zealand) in Dunback, Palmerston, Otago, has been supplying the South Island with high-grade limestone for over 100 years. As you would expect, the plant has seen many changes over those years. Yet a visit to the Taylor's Lime plant reveals that some of that history remains.
One such item is a mechanical shaker dust collector used in the process of producing Agricultural lime. This dust collector, in service for a number of decades, has been modified a number of times to keep abreast of demand.
The problem:
This decades-old dust collector required further modifications to keep it working efficiently.
The solution:
DUSTEX submitted a proposal to retrofit the dust collector in 2010. The proposal involved cutting off the top section and removing all the internal parts, leaving only the hopper vessel remaining, and then installing a new pulse jet dust collector top section.
DUSTEX’s proposal was accepted, and the retrofit was commissioned early 2011. The equipment is operating well according to Craig Porter, the Operations Manager at Taylor's Lime.