Perry Metal Protection’s fume extraction system that meets resource consent

A new high capacity, hot dip galvanising plant needed a fume extraction system that met strict emission controls. DUSTEX’s solution consisted of a dust extraction system with a 22m high self-supporting stack.
At the beginning of 2012, Perry Metal Protection commissioned a new, high capacity, hot dip galvanising plant in Te Rapa.
The problem:
The plant had to meet strict emission controls, enforced under the resource consent. Perry Metal Protection called on DUSTEX to provide a fume extraction solution.
The solution:
DUSTEX installed a dust extraction system that included a 22 metre high self-supporting stack. This system collects the fume particulate coming off the galvanizing kettle, and the fume extraction system meets the requirements of the resource consent.

A high capacity, hot dip galvanising plant needed a fume extraction system that met strict emission controls.