Jackson Industries’ labour saving dust collector with explosion protection

A new pulse jet dust collector with explosion protection was custom-made by DUSTEX to fit alongside Jackson Industries’ existing cyclone. The improved dust extraction system has significantly freed up labour and space, as well as creating a better working environment.
Jackson Industries is an electrical, tooling and fabrication businesses located in Onehunga, Auckland. DUSTEX was engaged to provide a dust extraction solution in the 3D CNC engineering division.
Jackson Industries existing system extracted dust from the CNC machines into a cyclone and static dust collector system. This system was no longer fit for purpose and would regularly block up a couple of days after cleaning resulting in reduction of airflows and reduced extraction at the machines. The existing dust collection system did not have explosion protection.
The system was also very high maintenance: an employee wearing full PPE had to physically clean the dust collector on a bi weekly basis. And because the dust collector was located inside the workshop, it was noisy and took up a significant amount of floor space.
DUSTEX, in conjunction with Jackson Industries, moved the entire dust collection system outside – which meant reduced noise levels in the workshop, plus it freed up enough floor space for an additional CNC machine to be installed.
DUSTEX was able to re-use the existing cyclone and fans, which created savings for the client.
A new, custom-built pulse jet dust collector with a rotary valve was placed on top of a standard skip. The support frame and skip cover was designed and built by Jackson industries engineering division. This meant that a truck could easily perform the collection of waste dust, without Jackson Industry employees having to manually move the bin outside for collection. Further time savings are being achieved because there is virtually no maintenance on the new dust collector.
The new dust collector has explosion protection. Dust collector explosion protection is required for certain dusts as a precaution, certain conductive materials may explode within a dust extraction system. (If you’re wondering if you need a dust collector with explosion protection, please contact us, and we can provide advice and guidance.)
“DUSTEX made the whole process very easy, from start to finish. They worked collaboratively with us all the way through the project, and found solutions for issues as they arose. We are very happy with the outcome, and would recommend DUSTEX’s services.”
- Jackson Industries